I had to fight to get my picture taken with Dwight flying through the air prior to the start of the game. Watch him go!
...and your starting line up for the ORLANDO MAAAAGIIIIIC!!!
Dwight likes to do a little dance prior to the game to get his team mates pumped. He also likes to wear a different outfit from everyone else since he doesn't have any other distinguishing features.
It feels like maybe Stuff and J.J. Redick had a bit of a tiff here. My guess is that J.J. was jealous that he doesn't get to be a part of the starting line up while Stuff is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants.
Oh, did you miss John Wall dougie-ing before the game? Brandon Bass is not impressed. I was. Have you seen this kid dance?
Oh, what was that about dancing? Oh, no big deal, it's just the Magic Seniors doing their thang. I wish they had taught me how to dougie...
Patrick Ewing yells at Jameer Nelson. Quentin Richardson laughs. Everyone else makes some kind of stoic expression.
Stan Van Gundy is clearly mad at Ryan Anderson at this point. Miss too many threes, Ryan? Hedo's not mad at it.
You want to know how Stuff got here? Oh, he just slid down the handrail. NBD.
Dwight makes some jokes to entertain his teammates. Chris Duhon and Jameer Nelson laugh. Meanwhile, Quentin Richardson laughs at someone else's jokes. Does this guy have the best attitude in the entire league? He's never not smiling.
Why the long faces, Ryan and J.J.? You guys won by 25 points!
Earl Clark is aware of the score and makes plans to celebrate at the end of the game!
Shout outs to my mom, Dwight Howard, Stuff the Magic Dragon, Quentin Richardson's smile, and John Wall's dougie-ing for making this happen! LET'S GO MAGIC!
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